Tuesday, 30 June 2020

Motor Protection Industrial | Motor Control Center

The traditional MCC control is through hard wiring, the control and signal cables are placed in the MCC control room and connected to the remote I/O of the DCS. DCS's control commands and MCC's feedback information are transmitted by cables. For more details read this blog.


What is Static VAR Generator? And its Application

A Static VAR Generator (SVG) Hybrid Active Power Factor Correction system is a device connected in parallel with the load to be compensated. The device is a controlled current source which provides a current waveform in real time.

Application of Static Var Generator

  • Installations with fast changing reactive power demand like electric arc furnaces and ball mills
  • Highly dynamic loads where the power factor fluctuates rapidly or in big steps like cranes, sawmill machinery, welding machines, etc.
  • Correction of leading power factor like in data centers, enabling back-up generators to more easily synchronise with the network
  • UPS systems.
  • Solar and wind turbine generators.
  • Railway electrification systems: Trains & trams
  • Loads with low power factor: Motors, cables, lightly loaded transformers, lighting, etc.

Wednesday, 24 June 2020

Advantages of IOT Energy Meter

  1. This IOT smart energy meter could be installed in industrial and commercial building for supplying uninterruptable power supply to the connected load.
  2. By using this smart meter, supply company can easily switch on or off the consumer load without going anywhere.
  3. This IOT smart energy meter is less costly, more efficient and reliable as compared to other type of energy meters.

Wednesday, 17 June 2020

What is Reactive power compensation? Describe function and Advantages of Reactive power compensation module.

Reactive power (VAR) compensation is defined as the management of reactive power to improve the performance of ac systems.

There are two aspects:-

a) Load Compensation

The main objectives are to :-
i) increase the power factor of the system
ii) to balance the real power drawn from the system
iii) compensate voltage regulation
iv) to eliminate current harmonics.

b) Voltage Support –

The main purpose is to decrease the voltage fluctuation at a given terminal of transmission line. Therefore the VAR compensation improves the stability of ac system by increasing the maximum active power that can be transmitted.

Advantages :

Reactance ratio precise matching
Pattern frameless design of the reactance


Harmonic elimination reactive power compensation module SLG is a filtering loop which combines from the filtering reactance and a certain capacitive low voltage capacitor in a proper ratio to accomplish the reactive power compensation and harmonic filtering purpose.

Harmonic elimination reactive power compensation module SLG

Monday, 8 June 2020

Din Rail Power Meter in USA | Din Rail 3 Phase Kwh Meter

The Sfere Electric DIN Rail meter combines high performance with ease of integration to provide a cost-effective power and energy monitoring solution. Featuring a built-in LCD display designed to simplify setup and local reading of meter data. For more details visit our website.
